
'Rotary learn about Aquabox'


Rotary Barnard Castle recently were up-dated on Aquabox - a volunteer-led charity and community project set up by the Rotary Club of Wirksworth, Derbyshire, which distributes aid boxes and water filters to countries all over the world suffering from natural or man-made disasters, helping hundreds of thousands of people in times of crisis. Each aid box contains a family water filter, shelter materials and tools, cooking utensils, personal hygiene items, educational items and toys, and costs £150. The water filter produces safe and clean drinking water without the need for chemicals, and lasts for up to 10 years. Our speaker, Alys Allerdyce, who is the Aquabox representative and volunteer in Ripon, explained that  the Aquafilter units are based on sub-micron filters which are impenetrable to pathogens causing, amongst other diseases, typhoid, cholera, and amoebic dysentery. Large viruses are also blocked by the filters. Alys produced a bowl of very dirty and  unappetising water, and this was passed through the hand operated filter, producing crystal clear water, which was declared perfectly drinkable  by those who sampled it. Donations can be done online at   


Photo shows Aquabox representative Alys Allerdyce and Rotary host Pete Harding. 


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