Thesaurus delivery

'Rotary Barnard Castle delivers Oxford Schools Thesaurus to local primary schools'

Once again, Rotary Barnard Castle has delivered Oxford Schools Thesauruses to six primary schools in the area. This year there were 113 books to deliver to leavers at Green Lane, Montalbo and St. Mary's in the town, and Bowes, Cotherstone and Middleton in Teesdale in the dale. The money for the books comes from a grant from Rotary District 1030 and our own Club's fundraising efforts. The books were delivered by our own Club member Pete Harding, who clearly thoroughly enjoyed visiting these schools, and meeting the children who are now moving on to 'big school' in the autumn.

Photo shows Rotarian Pete Harding and St. Mary's Primary school leavers with their Oxford Schools Thesauruses and Middleton Primary school.


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