Rotary make up shoe boxes for Ukraine

Members of Barnard Castle Rotary have made up shoe boxes for Ukraine, as part of a District project, initiated by Rotary Durham Elvet.  

15 boxes from Barnard Castle, along with hundreds more from other local Rotary Clubs, will go to frontline communities in Ukraine.

The contents of the boxes are carefully chosen, and include personal care items, such as pain killers, elastoplast, antibacterial dry shower, bandages and foil blankets.

Under the clothing section there are thermal socks, neck warmers and 'Beanie 'hats, and under 'Treats' there is chewing gum, sweets, cup a soup, high protein snack bars, playing cards/mini games and a personal message from the person who made up the box.

Barnard Castle's contribution was collected recently by our Assistant District Governor Gary Blenkinsopp, a member of Rotary Newton Aycliffe.

David Yeadon - Joint President

Photo - Barnard Castle Rotary members Michael  Hanby, Pauline Loughran-Hanby. Glenys Dowson and Joy Roscoe, with Gary Blenkinsopp centre.


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