Sponsored walk

This year's sponsored walk, organised by Rotarian Pete Harding, was a ten miler, from Middleton in Teesdale, all the way down the old railway track to Barnard Castle.

Six members travelled up to Middleton from Barney on the bus - Liz and Pete Harding, Pauline Loughran-Hanby and Michael Hanby, Chris Hodgson and John Lowery.

On their route they were joined by Gerald Blake in Mickleton, who walked down to his home village of Romaldkirk, having been ferried up to Mickleton by Joy Roscoe, and who later treated herself of a posh prawn cocktail in the Rose and Crown - why not?

In the meantime, current Club President David Yeadon and his wife Hazel walked up the line from Cotherstone almost to Romaldkirk, met up with the group of six, and returned to Cotherstone.

Joy, Hazel and David, then drove to the finish at the old bandstand by the river in Barnard Castle to welcome the walkers in at the finish with tea and biscuits.

Also to greet the jubilant walkers were Rotarians Frank Harrison with one dog, and Rotarian Phil Johnson with two dogs - the three dogs then participated in a round and round 'chase me' - talk about energy!

Well done Pete - the logistics to get everyone in the right place at (almost) the right time were phenomenal!

Money will now start to come in, and the proceeds will go to Aquabox water filters for emergency fresh water supplies around the world.


E-satellite club appreciation evening


Litter picking