Rotary Barnard Castle send local schoolgirl on an outdoor adventure!

As part of a national Rotary scheme, local schoolgirl Evie Arundel recently participated in the RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) adventure, which sent her as part of a 14 strong group to the wilds of Upper Teesdale.

The attendees came from all over Durham and Northumberland, and are funded by their local Rotary Clubs and Rotary District 1030.

The project is run by Wilderness Safari Camp, a local organisation, headed by Rob Atkinson, with five days sleeping in tents, the group experienced everything that nature could throw at them - cold water, long walks, challenging projects, which aims to build confidence in an individual and working in a team.

Evie is a pupil at Teesdale School, and will be doing A levels next year. All of the group thoroughly enjoyed their week, and at the end were buzzing with the experiences and new friendships made.

Rotary Barnard Castle will, in due course, be looking for a candidate for the summer 2024 scheme from the local area. Candidates are usually aged 16 - 18.


Rotary citation


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